July 2022 - $ATOM Stats

4 min readSep 1, 2022

Afternoon, Night, and Morning!

Over the next couple paragraphs, we’ll answer the following questions.

  • What’s price(s) looking like?
  • What is $ATOM earning?
  • Are we staking?
  • Extras
Photo by Jason Strull

What is Price(s) looking like?

$ATOM Price (Via CoinGecko) July 2022

Over the month of July, it seems we mostly consolidated. Rarely above $11 and never really below $8. With that said, this is not bad news. In recent times, as you may know, markets have not been great. ETH is down, BTC is down, S&P 500, etc. This to me shows less of a ‘low’, and more of a place of rest. Here are some brief bullets for July:

  • High: $11.24 or $3,311,185,992 Marketcap
  • Low: $7.97 or $2,334,748,204 Marketcap
  • 30 Day Range: +41%
  • Averages: $9.70 or $2,838,506,607 Marketcap

Now, what does this mean? Not sure, but here’s my thoughts. We see very humble returns back to our double-digit token price, and we also see an almost $10 average price for the month. With recent market turmoil, this is very good news to me, and I hope it is to you.

What is $ATOM earning?

$ATOM Fee Accruals (Via Cosmoscan) July 2022

Quick refresher! $ATOM is not built like ETH and does not have a plethora of Dapps that accrue $100s of thousands of dollars in a given day off of TX fees. Infact, $ATOM is the opposite. The only revenue source $ATOM has is the transaction fees it rakes in from Staking, Unstaking, and sending tokens.

Why is this import to distinguish? Let’s be real, a $3 Billion dollar asset that makes an average of $1,189.39 a day (At current $ATOM Price) is not the most ideal investment. We are currently buying a promise, and it is one I believe in. Here’s some more bullets:

  • High: $2,674.84 TX’s Fee Accrual (7/13)
  • Low: $255.04 TX’s Fee Accrual (7/1)
  • Average: $1,189.39 TX’s Fee Accrual

Overall, we have some rather high margins between lows and highs, but our average is sitting in a happy middle.

Are we staking?

$ATOM Bonded Ratio AKA Stake Ratio (Via Cosmoscan) July 2022

Good news! We are staking, and we’re also staking over half of the tokens in supply. Our validator set is holding strong and providing exceptional service to me and other Cosmonauts. The entire point of a decentralized ecosystem is to remain decentralized hence my positive affirmations.

Now, how are we really looking? Bullets below:

  • High: 63.69% Tokens Staked
  • Low: 62.18% Tokens Staked
  • Average: 63.10% Tokens Staked
  • 30 Day Range: 2% Variance

We’re sitting very nice at around 63% of the tokens in circulation staked for the month of July. Though it may not be an interesting metric, I believe it’s important to see the level of participation our community has in staking their $ATOM.


Photo by 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič

Possible Question 1: Hey Izik, why are you releasing a report about July in (Almost) September?

Well, I could come up with some reasons, but the short answer is I just got my code taken care of to produce these reports each month going forward. I will be linking my GitHub so you all can see some of the code. Also, the CSV Files if you would like them :).

Possible Question 2: What about August? You missed a month!

Nope! Right after posting this article, I will be pulling together Augusts results and should have a fresh post later this week on how August looked for our Beloved $ATOM.

Notes, nonsense, and links:

$ATOM is quite the unicorn. There are few assets that have an interoperable ecosystem, and also very few that are taking on more and more projects. The dev teams on each channel are working tirelessly to build their own home. It amazing to see all of this come together and I’m excited to see the projects come to life in the future.


CSV (My Github): portfolio/July22_ATOM.csv at main · Izik-R/portfolio (github.com)

Coingecko API/Data: Crypto API Documentation | CoinGecko

Cosmoscan API/Data: Cosmoscan API

P.S: Got any API’s or Data for other chains? I want them! DM them to me anywhere you find me, but best on twitter @Izik_R

This is not financial advice!




Web3 Investor, Data, and Just some fun. “No One’s Crazy” — The Psychology of Money